ANNOUNCING: Now Accepting User Reviews
ANNOUNCING: EightVape's User Reviews
Are you looking to break into the vape review scene? Are you passionate about writing or creating videos? Could you use a little extra EightVape cash?
Well, starting today, 8/10/18, EightVape will be accepting user reviews to feature on our website and share with customers all around the world. Submitting User Reviews is a great way for anyone in our community to get their voices heard and earn a little store cash while doing it.
Reviews can be about any product, by any brand; they can be positive, negative, funny, or serious. You can review Mods, Tanks, E-Liquids, even batteries.
Reviews can be conducted in video or written form, and if you want, you can send us a photo to use as a thumbnail, so personal reviews will have a personal touch. Author names will be featured, so be sure to send us your first and last name. All reviews will be posted on a unique community page.
Here's a breakdown of the rules for user-submitted reviews:
- Written reviews must be at least 500 words. Video reviews must be at least 60 seconds long. You can submit a review with both written and video content, if you want. There is no maximum word count or length for any review.
- Reviews that are overtly crass or explicit will not be posted or rewarded, and video reviews cannot include graphic, violent, or nude content.
- Reviewers will be rewarded $8.88 in store credit for each review that we choose to post. They must have an EightVape account to receive compensation.
- Users are limited to three posted reviews per month, you can submit more than three reviews but only three reviews from each user will be chosen per month.
- Last but not least, all reviews must be emailed to [email protected]. Be sure to include your first and last name!
Due to high volume, we will no longer be accepting reviews on:
- The FreeMax Mesh Pro
- The FreeMax FireLuke
- GeekVape Aegis Legend
- VooPoo Drag
- Naked 100
- Yami Vapor "Taruto"
- SMOK G-Priv
Please refer to the "Your Reviews" section before submitting to make sure your review is unique and stands out! We'd hate to waste your time...
That's it. EightVape once again gives back! Have fun with these reviews, don't hesitate to reach out, and let's have a good time! I'm excited to hear all the unique voices in our community.
A couple notes before I go:
- Reviews that meet the required conditions will be posted on under the "Blog" tab, which will soon be titled "Community." Reviews will be sorted into hardware and E-Juice categories, and there will be a search function so that reviews are easy to find and readily available.
- Comments will be enabled on all community reviews, so people can start discussions and cultivate that community feeling that enriches all of our lives.
Moreover, I've got another announcement coming soon regarding user submissions. There will be more opportunities in the future for our community to showcase their content and earn rewards.
Until next time!
Justin Troyer
Head of Content