Does Vaping Cause Popcorn Lung?
Popcorn lung? I bet you never heard of that, and that’s because it’s a rare lung disease –doesn’t happen that often. Smoking and vaping have always been poised to contribute to lung diseases, as well as kidney and heart failures. This makes a lot of people skeptical, wondering if vaping – as safe as it appears to smoking – can really cause lung diseases, including popcorn lung.

Well, the causes of popcorn lung do not directly point to the side effects of vaping. But you know, vapable liquids and salts have additives and ingredients that, if consumed highly, can contribute to weakening some body systems, which in turn, may open up the vaper to other chronic health conditions. However, this is not something that happens all the time.
What is Popcorn Lung?
Popcorn lung (bronchiolitis obliterans) is a rare, chronic lung disease caused by quite a lot of pointers, but the most common is when the lung’s airways are inflamed, damaged, clogged, or scarred.
The first awareness alert of this chronic lung problem was reported over 2 decades ago; the incidence occurred in a microwave popcorn factory in the US. Happened that the sickened workers were breathing in diacetyl—a flavored chemical used in popcorn making and dairy products. Hence the name, “Popcorn Lung.” Medically, the name is Bronchiolitis Obliterans.

This case led to most popcorn companies removing diacetyl as part of the ingredients used in their popcorn making. However, some other flavored products people consume today have diacetyl in them, and that includes e-cigs and vapes. But, inhaling or consuming diacetyl is just one of the ways of exposing yourself to popcorn lungs, there are other causes of this health condition.
Causes of Popcorn Lung
- Regular consumption of flavored foods or e-liquids containing diacetyl
- Botched lung transplant
- Underlying autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis.
- Consumption of harmful chemicals that can affect the lung’s performance
- Some types of pneumonia
Does Vaping Cause Popcorn Lung?
Truth be told, there has not been any published report as regards to people getting popcorn lung disease as a result of vaping or consuming e-cig products. So, NO, vaping does not cause popcorn lung.
However, it is important to note that e-liquids contained in disposable vapes are made from a mixture of potentially harmful chemicals and flavors that may contain diacetyl (although in very small quantities). Also, nicotine, which is contained in e-liquids, has been confirmed to have many side effects, especially on developing brains –young adults.

That said, while vaping does not cause popcorn lung, it is advisable to be mindful of how frequently you where, and of course, the vape juices you buy. You should shop for your disposable vapes, vape kits, and e-liquids from reputable vape stores like the Eightvape Store. Interestingly, Eightvape offers up to 26% discount for Black Friday deals on vape products.
What More?
Bronchiolitis obliterans, commonly called “Popcorn Lung,” isn’t a common lung disease; it occurs rarely and is not caused by vaping. The major cause of this lung failure disease is toxic chemicals that block the lung airways – notwithstanding, this health condition can occur from other underlying illnesses.
Vaping doesn’t cause popcorn lungs, but excessive nicotine intake can expose you to certain mild-to-high health conditions. Finally, it is best-advised to find a reliable vape store that sells original vaping accessories and liquids, and stick with them! Eightvape is one of the best places to shop vapes stuff.