The Amazing Women of Vaping
The Amazing Women of Vaping
It's our day, Ladies. Time to get in vaping formation. Today is August 26th, Women's Equality day. It's no secret, vaping is a male dominated game. From cloud chasing to reviews they seem to be people's go to for vaping entertainment and information.
No doubt there are tons of amazing Vaper Models out there on the world wide web. And we looooooooooooove and support those badasses. But this Equality day, I want to highlight the women of vaping who aren't just a pretty face to look at but have an impact on the vape world by giving us information and reviews, as well as entertainment.
Here is a list of some of the best vaping ladies we can't get enough of (in no particular order).
1. Zophie Vapes
Zophie is a familiar face on EightVape and for a good reason, she's smart! She knows her stuff. She is always thorough, honest, and entertaining. She's comfortable in front of the camera, and we're lucky for that, because she's always pumping out new content for us to gobble up.
We learn a lot about new devices and juices from her and we love it.
Not to mention, she's got some pretty sick hair.
2. MahafsounLair
YES. Everything about this channel is just, YES. Vaping? Yes. Hot Goth Chick? YES. What the hell else do you need? I know I was promising to talk more about these ladies' brains than their looks. But just give me a couple more sentences.
Oh my god, just goth me up and throw away the key! She's got some great rock music in the playing. There is a fall wreath AND what looks like a pumpkin candle in the background of this video and it was published in JUNE! She's a Halloween All Year type of gal and I am INTO IT.
What I like about her that I haven't mentioned already is that she says that she is semi new to vaping which helps people who are starting off as well to have their basic questions answered. She talks about how she's nervous about a hard throat hit, she talks about how the vape does at low wattage, and other general topics that beginners may be curious about.
3. TiaVapes
TiaVapes is the adorable counterpart to MahafsounLair. As evidenced by the complete polar opposite of Halloween decor, Valentine's Day, behind her. She has a lot of special guests on her channel and they always have a fun and silly rapport with each other, which we love to see.
She's thorough in her reviews, which range from juice to hardware to accessories. She's so sweet and so enthusiastic when opening up new products. She gives tons of information and has a wealth of knowledge. She gives her viewers all the tiny details they want to know before making a purchase.
Gosh, she's just so cute. Also she had a baby! Show her some love and congratulations. She's so dedicated to her channel that she kept posting even through her pregnancy (not vaping of course, she had her special guests do it for her) which is amazing. Big props from EightVape for that.
4. Alloy Ash
Alloy Ash has an extensive channel reviewing all sorts of cool things from clothes to make up, and of course vaping products. We love her because of her cool hair, awesome tattoos, and adorable hairless cat named Knives.
She's really fun and loose, super laid back. Her voice is nice and bubbly and she gives a good voice to the products she shows off.
We truly love and appreciate all these knowledgeable lady vape reviewers and all the ones out there we didn't mention. We want to see even more of you. If you think you have a good voice for products, let it be heard girls! We are accepting user reviews on our channel which can be written or filmed. Email them to us at [email protected]
Okay, so since we covered these bad ass and smart women... let's check out some equally bad ass vaping babes.
All right. That ought to do it. Oh wait, it's also National Dog Day (isn't that a great coincidence?) so here's a vine compilation of some cute dogs.