Vapefly Mesh Plus RDTA Review
Vapefly Mesh Plus RDTA Review
If you haven’t heard of Vapefly before you’re not alone. This manufacturer just started releasing vape tanks in 2017 and is just now beginning to hit their stride. Focusing mostly on rebuildable tanks, the Vapefly lineup is a veteran vapers dream! I recently had a few of their sample devices sent my way so I’m doing a full review of the most popular tanks in the Vapefly brand. Today we’ll start with one of their more unique tanks, the Mesh Plus RDTA. This tank combines the best features of rebuildable tanks with the best innovations from sub-ohm tanks.
But how well does it work? Keep reading to find out everything you need to know about the Mesh Plus RDTA!
The Looks

Vapefly took a minimalistic approach to the design of the Mesh Plus RDTA, the chassis pulls apart easily to reveal the gold plated build deck on top of the tank section. The chimney section of the chassis is milled from stainless steel for a durable and ergonomic feel. A small glass section at the bottom of the atomizer holds up to 3.5mL of eliquid, great for vaping on the go.
How It Works
So I have to rant a bit here, I’m not sure if I’m building the coils wrong or if their directions for operating the coils are wrong, but I ran this at the minimal recommended settings for SS316 vaping (270C) and my coil burst into flames twice even while soaked with Ejuice. There were clear hot spots forming on the SS316 coils near the top of the coil arch and no matter what I did I couldn’t get rid of them. Now take this with a grain of salt, as this could just be a matter of me receiving a bad coil with my sample device. Or it could be a matter of Vapefly themselves overrating the recommended temperature and wattage settings on their coils. Either way I’d steer clear of their TC mesh coils for now.
When I tested this tank with the included Ka1 (Kanthal) Mesh wire I had much better performance. I couldn’t taste any dry hits or hot spots where the coil was burning the cotton, even after extended use. The wick drop down hole into the tank chamber is very large, allowing for substantial reverse osmosis of Eliquid back into the vape coil section. But don’t expect to be able to chain vape on this RDTA, I still got slightly dry hits when taking long drags back to back.
There’s plenty of airflow into the chamber, thanks to two large air ports on opposite sides of the tank chassis. You can even adjust the airflow with a rotating internal chimney accessible through the top cap.
Building on the Mesh Plus RDTA is extremely easy thanks to its wide open build deck and dual clamp style terminals. With the mesh coils you can easily slide them into place on one side, clamp it down, and then simply slide the other end into the terminals and clamp. It’s really that easy!
The Verdict
I’m still not sold on these mesh style RDTA’s, I absolutely LOVE the concept of a mesh rebuildable, but so far I don’t think it’s been done well enough to compare to prebuilt mesh coils. The Mesh Plus RDTA is a great choice for vapers who are new to rebuildables and want an easy device to work on. However, if you’re looking to get the same flavor out of a mesh rebuildable as you do from a prebuilt mesh coil, you’re going to be disappointed.