Vaping Devices for Every Style
Vaping Devices for Every Style
If you’re a daily vaper, it only makes sense to use a mod that tells the world exactly who you are. It’s no secret vaping brings attention to you, so if you’re turning heads you may as well tell that curious on-looker a little bit about yourself.
I currently use the Uwell Rainbow Nunchaku. Honestly, I love ANY rainbow device because I like people to know I’m an indecisive girl who cannot be limited to just one color.

I’m happy to have a vape device that reflects my personality and Eightvape wants you to feel the same. We’re here to help you find find the perfect device that looks like it was made just for you. We know everyone is unique and doesn’t always fit into one box entirely. That's what makes the vaping community, especially the one we have here on EightVape, so much more diverse than you expect.
Maybe you want something that shamelessly screams I’m different, or, I’m classy, I’m tough, I’m a strong independent woman who don’t need no man just a dope e-cigarette… Whatever it may be. Let’s get started by looking at some basic styles to get you on your way to being one of those people who look just like their dogs... only your dog is your vaping device.
These are merely suggestions to ease you in the right direction, to get you thinking about the statement you’d like to make when you vape. Afterall, making the healthier switch to vaping is something to be celebrated.. YOU are something to celebrate. So celebrate the person you are inside with a vaping device that reflects that, you deserve that.
Style 1: GOTH
So it wasn’t a phase after all, you’re a goth and you are proud. You want a mod that’s mysterious, one that’s almost creepy, a mod that looks like it could kill a man. You probably want the SMOK 225W MAG Mod. This really checks of the “looks like it could kill a man” box. Holding this mod feels like holding a ray gun. It’s almost cyber-punk with its sleek yet sturdy chassis and “trigger pull” fire button. Yes, trigger pull. A ray gun of a mod if ever there was one.

This one is the right handed edition, so for all you goth lefties, don't worry we have a solution in the form of the Sigelei eTiny MTL Kit. This is also a more low-key alternative to the MAG Mod. Its simple black body is smooth and dark like bat wings. Its long shape is evocative of a long slender e-cigarette Morticia Addams might sport.

It makes vaping look easy, for all of you goths who like to look effortless to the point of coming off as though you’re bored of this trivial world. Perfect for moping, gazing at the rain, and reading Edgar Allan Poe all day.
Style 2: BRIGHT
Maybe goth isn’t for you, maybe you’re the complete opposite. Maybe you’re flashy and loud. You might be preppy or girly… You’re bright and outgoing. You like vibrant colors and fun, whimsical things. If that’s the case look no further than the extensive array of color options from hot lines like the iJoy Saber Kit, Smok Stick V8 Big Baby, Smok Stick Prince, Eleaf, and Vaporesso Orca Solo.
Or for advanced vapers who wish to illuminate their vaping days there is The Joytech ESPION Infinite Mod, or the chromatic Sigelei Kaos Spectrum 230W TC Box Mod. Eight Vape has a rainbow of colors to choose from… some actually rainbow themselves. If you can have a vape device as bright as you, why wait? Brighten your day!!
Style 3: HIPSTER
Perhaps you like to always be one of kind. You’re kind of hipsterish, you don’t want to fit in or stand out really, you mostly just want people to see you go by and think wow that’s new. You've been vaping before it was mainstream, so you want something low-key but also the latest, most interesting fashion. There’s a multitude of options for people who want one of a kind mods out on the market, with popular mods being embellished with resin designs where no two are ever the same.
The most show stopping of them all are the Aleader Funky 60W and the VooPoo Drag 157W Mod.
. These two are sleekly finished with amazing patterns and natural looking designs. They’re over-the-top and intricate, yet effortless. As is any vaping hipster.
Style 4: CLASSY
Okay enough of these gaudy styles, these flashy trashy immature mods. Give me timeless, give me editorial, give me ease. Okay, Nina Garcia. We get it (you vape) and you’re classy. So for that we offer you the Eleaf BASAL 30W with the GS Basal Tank. Incredibly chic, entirely stunning, and always in style. Fresh off the runway, this mod wishes you well as you saunter into Barneys New York after meeting Tim Gunn for a light champagne brunch.
Style 5: MACHO
Oh my god all these style are so feminine and dainty. I’m a big dude, I can’t be walking around with no polly pocket lookin ass vape. Okay you’re right, these suggestions so far have been a little one sided, let’s get to the more hardcore vapes for you big fisted, pig skin throwing, gonna knock fools out, kind of vapers. The Dovpo M VV 280W Box Mod is intimidating and tough with chassis designs with names such as Skull Silver and Samurai Gold. Nothing more macho and formidable than the idea of swords fights and DEATH.
Style 6: BASIC
"Yo man, I just want a good vape." Say no more. Here ya go.
Hopefully we helped you find a device that can give you a sense of pride and self love when you use it. EightVape is a community of vapers who like to help members, old and new, get in the right direction, and encourage one another to be happy and proud in the life style decisions they make.