Why Does My Geek Bar Pulse Smell Like Cheap Perfume?
“My Geek Bar Pulse smells like cheap perfume, what’s the cause of such awful taste?” Alright, to go ahead with answering this question, I should ask one question too; did you just got the vape? You see, sometimes, the first few puffs of a new vape tastes awful. It is not supposed to be that way, but, I mean, sometimes it happens. So, after a few puffs, you start getting the actual taste.
There are quite many reasons why your Geek Bar Pulse vape would taste awfully at first before you start getting the actual vape flavor. In this article, we will look into the possible ways of eliminating foul taste from your vape so you can enjoy it as supposed. You may consider buying other brands if Geek Bar products don’t give you what you want.

Why Does My Geek Bar Pulse Smell Like Cheap Perfume?
Truth is, there are a few considerable reasons why a disposable vape would produce an awful scent at first use. Here are some of the reasons.
1. High Temperature
Disposable vapes are made with volatile elements, and the juices comprise degradable ingredients; these are some reasons why a vape may produce a foul taste for the first few puffs. Even so, disposable vapes contain nicotine; when this element comes in contact with high heat, it tends to thwart the actual taste and flavor of the vape juice. This is why it is advisable to store disposable vapes in a cool dry place (not your refrigerator though).

2. That’s The Flavor You Bought
It is important to note that disposable vapes come in a multitude of flavors, recheck the flavor you got and see what ingredients were mixed; who knows, the taste you’re getting could be the actual taste of the vape flavor you bought. Some vape flavors are mixed to deliver tangy undertones or chilly sensations with mint infusion.
3. Poor Ingredients
Then again, your disposable vape (not just Geek Bar Pulse this time) may continuously produce awful fumes due to low-quality ingredients used in the juice mix. All these explained are some of the relatable reasons why your vape smells like cheap perfume when you inhale and puff.

But then, if the reason for the perfume scent is because it’s the first time the vape is being put to use, hereunder are some tips that can take the smell away so you can enjoy your vape the way you intended.
4. You Bought a Fake Geek Bar Pulse Vape
There’s no argument that there are many counterfeit Geek Bar Pulse products in the market – sold at cheaper prices (or even the same prices as the original one). So, chances are that you bought the fake one and that’s why it smells that way.

Have you ran the Geek Bar Pulse’s security code through the manufacturer’s official product verification webpage to ascertain you actually bought the real Geek Bar Pulse? If you didn’t check the security code, do that right away – check the packaging for a scratch & reveal sticker, that’s where the code is concealed.
How to Make Your Vape Stop Smelling Like Cheap Perfume?
Unless the vape juice is a mix of poor ingredients, these practices can make your vape stop scenting awfully.
1. Always Store in Cool Places
Your disposable vapes should be kept on a cool dry shelf – not your fridge, please. Keeping your vapes in cool places makes the contained ingredients remain intact and not degrade faster. When vapes are stored in somewhat hot rooms, the contents will degrade faster, and that will surely give you an awful scent the next time you want to vape.
2. Vape More For The First Time Use
If your new Geek Bar Pulse vape smells like cheap perfume on the first puff, just keep going, after about 10 to 50 puffs you should start getting the actual flavor for your selected vape juice.

However, if after a few tens of puffs, the smell doesn’t go away – and you’re sure the scent you’re getting is what’s expected from the flavor you bought – then maybe you should do away with the vape and get a new one (probably from another brand).
3. Don’t Store Your Vapes For Too Long
As mentioned earlier in this article, disposable vapes are made with degradable elements; even the juices contain degradable ingredients. What this means is that disposable vapes have a shelf life. If you store them for too long, they won’t expire on you, and when you take them out to vape, the taste and flavor you get would be totally different from the original.
It’s understandable that you want to buy your favorite vape flavor in bulk to hedge possible price increases in the future, or because you got a good bundle deal, but make sure you don’t purchase more quantity than you can consume in not more than one year.
After one year, most disposable vapes (especially when not stored properly) start to degrade or expire, and you don’t want to know what it feels like to vape an expired vape juice.
4. Patronize a New Brand
Maybe Geek Bar Pulse flavors don’t give you the original taste you want from them; if that is so, then you should try other brands. There are quite many good brands to try out, and interestingly, they sell cheaper than Geek Bar. This should be your last resort if the three other suggestions above don’t solve the situation for you.
How to Spot Fake Geek Bar Pulse?
Wait! What if your Geek Bar Pulse was fake? Geek Bar Pulse is a reputable brand; they won’t intentionally make poor products, but there are fake Geek Bar Pulse products in the market too. Well, relax, you can easily spot a fake Geek Bar Pulse vape following the instructions below:

- When you receive your Geek Bar Pulse vape, there should be a “security code” which is printed on the side of your packaging. It comes as a hologram sticker with a scratch & reveal section. Apparently, if this sticker is absent or severely blurred on your Geek Bar Pulse packaging, then it’s a fake product.
- Scratch and reveal the code. Run the unique code printed on the packaging through Geek Bar Pulse’s official product verification webpageto ascertain the product’s authenticity.
- You will be able to verify that you bought the original Geek Bar Pulse vape.
What More?
Geek Bar Pulse is not the only good disposable vape you can buy. There are other good ones like the CB15k, RAZ DC25000, Lost Mary MT15000, and many others – you can check on EightVape’s collections to explore some great choices at decent prices.