Why Is My Geek Bar Pulse Not Hitting?
Woke up to your Geek Bar Pulse not hitting? Well, a couple of many people have been in that situation and found a way around it; however, there are rare cases where the solution is to get another Geek Bar Pulse –a sad turnout of events? Let’s see if your device issues can be fixed without totaling the vape. Just so you know, disposable vapes are quite fragile devices and a very little dent on the device can cause escalated issues.

Why Is My Geek Bar Pulse Not Hitting?
Honestly, there are three main reasons to why you’re experiencing this awful situation. First, it could be that your device is low on battery power; second, you’re out of juice in the device; third, you got a clogged airflow. In rare situations where these are not the problem, then the device has gone bad and needs to be replaced. Explained below are ways to solve common Geek Bar Pulse hitting problems.

Geek Bar Pulse Not Hitting: Possible Cause 1
You’ve been chain-vaping for a long while and you forgot to pay attention to the battery level information shown on the vape’s display screen, hence, you didn’t know the battery has run down to 0%.
If the battery is showing 0% on the display, then that’s obviously the cause. You have to plug the device into power and let it charge to 80% or higher before continuing to use it again. Of course, you can use it once it’s charged to even 20%, but allowing it to reach 80% or higher is the ideal recommendation.
Geek Bar Pulse Not Hitting: Possible Cause 2
You’ve been on the vape for about 2 weeks or more, and the chances are that the e-liquid is finished. Yeah, sometimes the e-liquid level identifier gets it wrong; you could be on 0% left and still get hits for about 2 days before the juice in your device gets used up. So, this might be the case with you.
How to Estimate When Your Disposable Vape Is getting Empty?
If truly you’ve been on the vape for some weeks already and the e-liquid level identifier is already showing 0% left or down to the last bar, chances are that your liquid’s done and you need a need vape –since disposables cannot be refilled.
Geek Bar Pulse Not Hitting: Possible Cause 3
Another common reason for not getting hits on a Geek Bar Pulse is due to clogged airflow. When the airflow is blocked, you will struggle to get hits or won’t get some at all. This is because the clogged airflow isn’t allowing your draws to go through and trigger vapor production, and as such, you’re getting no hits.

Blow hard into the mouthpiece and airflow opening to see if you can unclog the device. Use a soft cloth and clean these areas too, just in case there is debris at the entrances. If these don’t work, try putting a pin through the mouthpiece or airflow opening and wiggling it to see if any clog in there may fall out.
Not getting hits on your Geek Bar device can be annoying, but hopefully, these tips shared above can help you out. If these tips didn’t work, sadly, your vape is totaled, and you should get a new one –maybe time to change to a new flavor? Or perhaps, a new brand entirely. Either way, be sure to get the best deals on Geek Bar products and vape accessories on EightVape.
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