Disposable Vape Black Screen: Why & How to Fix?
These modern disposable vapes come with LED screen displays that show quite different useful information regarding the battery status, operational mode, e-liquid level, and other stuff. This LED display functions similarly to that of mobile phones and smart displays, and as such, certain conditions could make the screen go blank and stop showing any information.
If your disposable vape is showing a blank black screen, there could be many reasons to point to it. First of all, if the vape fell to the ground recently, or into a water body, those could be the reasons. Other relatable reasons are a “dead battery” or charger-related issues. Well, this article looks into the various possible causes of disposable vape black screens.

My Disposable Vape Keeps Showing Black Screen: Overview and Causes
You see, these disposable vapes are electronic devices powered by chips and a rechargeable battery. As with every electronic device, these vapes have power ratings that must be taken seriously; if a device is meant to be charged using a 5-watt charger, using a 10-watt or 20-watt charger to charge the device may result in blowing the battery, or the display flex cables.
In the same vein, electronic devices are allergic to water and high temperatures, unless otherwise indicated by the manufacturer. Well, in the case of disposable vapes, there is no water-resistant model yet – from any brand at all. Yes, a few of them can deal with water splashes, but getting submerged in a water body? That would definitely damage the vape or cause many issues, just as this one being discussed here.
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Again, if the vape falls to the ground or the water or the sand, it could crack the screen, making it go blank with nothing showing (just as mobile phones may stop displaying anything when they fall). So, there are many reasons why a vape’s display screen could go totally blind – not also disputing the fact that some of these vapes are actually “cheap” (made with fragile components), which means a little issue could cause the vape to stop working.
Furthermore, in one forum discussion on this issue, a user was kind enough to highlight that he was able to fix the black screen by letting the vape charge for a very long time – he literally had to leave the vape plugged into power and went his way, then after many hours, he returned to see that the screen is working. Well, you could say that the battery was hell dead and took a very long time to recharge. Could that be the same issue as yours?
How to Fix the Black Screen of Disposable Vape?
These are suggested solutions to disposable vape black screen issues. Well, there’s no guarantee these would work; in the end, if none worked for you, you should toss the vape and buy a better-quality one.

1. Leave the Vape Charging for a Longer Time
If you used the vape until the battery died and then you plugged it in to charge, but nothing seems coming up on the screen – not even the typical battery charging icon – maybe you should let the vape plugged in for a longer time. As mentioned earlier, this worked for a Redditor, who knows, it could work for you too.
But then, be careful how long you let the vape stay connected to poor; these vapes are quite fragile, and as such, leaving them connected to a power source for long hours – let’s say 4 – 6 hours – could cause the battery to blow up, which could lead to other environmental hazard or fire incidents.
2. Replace the Battery, If You Can
Maybe the battery is totally dead and there’s no way you can possibly power it using a charger. In these scenarios, you need to remove the battery and boost it manually, then put it back. Or, simply replace the battery with a new one. Well, not all vapes can be opened and they’ll still function. Some of these vapes, once opened, you’ve wrecked them entirely – you should be careful with this solution tip.But for disposable products, we don't recommend you to disassemble it and change the battery. This is a relatively dangerous operation! Unless you've been a big smoker before or like to DIY vapes.

3. Press the Power Button Multiple Times
If your vape is fully charged, or at least, you’re sure the battery is not dead, but the screen won’t show anything, maybe a little troubleshooting might help. To troubleshoot most disposable vapes, you only need to press the power button multiple times, like 3 – 5 times simultaneously.
For some users, this solution worked. Literally, their vape went into stealth mode, so pressing the power button multiple resets the mode and returns the vape to the regular mode. If this doesn’t work for you, keep trying other solutions here.
4. Perform a Factory Reset
Each disposable vape has a way to reset it; so, you should look around the user manual that came with your vape (if it came with a manual). But then, there are general ways to reset most disposable vapes.
- Press the power button or activation button multiple times, up to 5 times repeatedly or more.
- Look for a dedicated reset button or a pinhole for a hard reset (if your disposable vape doesn’t have a button).
- Open the battery cover and remove the battery (if your vape comes with a removable battery) to turn off the device abruptly. Now, press and hold the minus (-) button while the batteries are still disconnected – after some seconds or minutes, while still holding down the minus button, reconnect the battery cover; you should get a display prompt “RESTORE DEFAULTS.” You can release the button and restore the vape to default.
5. Stop Using “Fast” Chargers
If your vape charges slowly and you feel using a fast charger (of higher wattage) could be of help, that’s not a good “trick.” Fast chargers damage most disposable vapes; you’re to use only the charger it came with or a charger of the same wattage as the original charger in the box.
What More?
As discussed in this blog post, there are quite many reasons why a disposable vape’s screen could go completely blank without showing a thing. Interestingly, we also highlight a number of possible solutions you could practice. If none worked for you, sadly, you will need to get a new vape – this time, go for a brand with a record of producing solid vape models that last pretty long.
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