How to Fix Off Stamp Vape Blinking White and Not Hitting?
Off-Stamp disposable vapes are popular for their distinctive design and cool features; they are sleek and sturdy, and being a product of Lost Mary, you already know the vapes will last long. The Lost Mary Off-Stamp disposable comes with a detachable battery unit; you can have one battery unit and multiple pod units, so you can switch pods at random and vape different flavors as you wish.
The Off-Stamp vape has LED indicators that blink or stay steady depending on the device's state. Usually, when the vape blinks red, it means the battery has run down and requires a recharge. But a “white” blink? That’s quite different from the usual and may point to a bigger problem. This article points to a number of possible causes of the white blink and how you can fix the situation.
Why is My Off-Stamp Vape Blinking White and Not Hitting?
This can be traced to quite different causes, which all relate to low power, low juice, or power-related problems.

Battery Charging Issues
If the LED indicator on your vape is blinking and not making hits, it most likely points to a critically low battery or a dead battery. When a vape’s battery is low, the device won’t produce any hit, regardless of how hard you make your draws –and the blinking LED is there to notify you of the situation, so you can recharge the device.
The Off-Stamp vape pod unit has a built-in 200mAh battery, while the battery pack is rated 800mAh. If you’re vaping without attaching the battery kit, chances are that you’re out of battery power, hence the blinking light. So, you should attach the battery pack and see if the blinking stops and that you can get hits from your draws.
Possible Solution
Your first troubleshooting should be to plug the device into power and see if the blinking would stop. If the blinking stops after connecting the device to power, then obviously, the reason for the blink is a low battery. On the other hand, if you were vaping without the battery pack, get the pack and attach it to the pod –the blinking might just stop.
Nevertheless, if your battery pack is faulty too, you will need to replace it with a new one. Interestingly, you can buy the battery pack separately, or the pod separately. In scenarios where neither of these worked to fix the blinking white LED, then you might just need to replace the complete unit, i.e., purchase a new Off-Stamp vape pod and battery pack.

Does the White LED Indicate Battery is Full?
On the Off-Stamp vape, the LED indicator blinks RED when the battery is low or when charging; the indicator light turns GREEN when the battery is approaching 100% charge and turns off after the battery is fully charged. There is no scenario where it blinks white, but then, typical of electronic devices, the possibility cannot be completely ruled out.
Low E-Liquid
Another relatable cause of blinking white LED is low e-liquid. Although the Lost Mary Off-Stamp doesn’t come with an e-liquid tracking display or indicator, the white LED blinker might just be it. If you’ve had the device for a while, probably more than two weeks, chances are that you’ve exhausted the 13mL prefilled liquid, hence, you ain’t getting no hits no more.
Possible Solution
If you have another pod of the Off-Stamp vape, connect it to your battery pack and vape to see if the white LED will blink at some point, if it doesn’t, then the other pod is faulty or the juice is depleted.
Overheating Due to Over-Puffing
Understandably, you got your best flavor and you want to miss no moments. But, over-puffing can cause disposables to malfunction a bit since the components are over-stressed and
overheating. When the vape’s internal components overheat, the delivery won’t be smooth and the device may not even produce hits at all.
Possible Solution
Allow the device to cool off if it’s obviously overheating. Let it set out for like 30 minutes or even 1 hour before hitting it again. If over-puffing and over-heating were the problem, this would solve it right away.
Final Thoughts
Lost Mary Off-Stamp SW9000 and SW16000 are solid disposable vapes, and the inclusion of detachable units makes the vaping device more flexible. You can own just one battery pack and multiple flavor pods and vape them interchangeably. The LED blinking issue is usually due to battery fault, e-liquid depletion, or overheating, and the possible solutions to the issues are explained above.